
With MyFunds, you can keep track of your financial activities.

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My Budget

List allotments for bills, subscriptions, groceries, etc. Examples shown below.

List allotments for bills, subscriptions, groceries, etc. Example shown below.

budget example 550
budget example one
budget example two
budget example three

My Income

List reocurring income or one time payments. Examples shown below.

List reocurring income or one time payments. Example shown below.

income example 550
income example one
income example two
income example three

My Expenses

List all goods purchased and payments made throughout the day. Examples shown below.

expense example
expense example

My Goals

List savings and financial goals. Examples shown below.

List savings and financial goals. Example shown below.

goals example 550
goal example one
goal example two
goal example three
Enter budget info

* Please fill out all fields.

Enter income info

* Please fill out all fields.

Enter purchase info

* Please fill out all fields.

Enter goal info

* Please fill out all fields.